Thursday, August 16, 2012

Kwaheri Kenya!

Well my internship has finally come to an end! Blake and I fly out tonight and will be home by Friday morning if all goes safely. BUT we have great news!! The kitchen officially opened this past Saturday, probiotic and all. Although at first I thought the bacteria might have died, I was able to get some good growth on the plates after some late nights of culturing on my kitchen table by candlelight! So all is well with the probiotic and I am leaving the culturing process in the capable hands of Maggie and Lavender, two staff at Muungano, who I'm confident will be able to keep growing it successfully. As for the rest of the kitchen, although we've had a lot of problems with milk supply we managed to get everything organized just a few hours before we left Kiritu. As well, our new fridge is not working, so we are currently using it as a warming room until it is fixed- which works great because the warming box the carpenter built us was not the right dimensions, so we had to do some last minute improvisation (a new skill I will definitely be taking back to Canada with me!). We are all so happy that we were able to get the kitchen up and running before we left and we are hoping it continues to be a success!

This past week we also got some new visitors, three ladies from Australia, who will be working at the school with both the staff and children. Anne, one of the ladies, will also be working as our yogurt Mama until another intern can come this year. We are sooo happy to have her there and I know she will do an amazing job supervising the kitchen in these early stages and troubleshooting any problems that come along.

Sorry this is a short post today, We still have a bunch to do before our plane tonight! But although I'm happy to be going home (and taking a loooong shower!) I'm already missing Kenya. I hope in the future I can return back to see the progress of the kitchen and visit the friends I've made here. Until then, Kwaheri Kenya!